Specialist in veteran and family supported Housing
Tel: 01942 318046

At EDs we recognise that a number of Veterans find themselves at risk of homelessness, experience family breakdowns, have difficulties living independently due to complex needs or are living in unsuitable accommodation.
EDs is here to help you resettle into a new and fulfilling life.
Take a look at our criteria to find out if you are eligible to apply for housing with EDs
EDs is a provider of Supported Accommodation to ex armed forces personnel. All our accommodation is currently within shared accommodation and is suitable for a single person in the form of well presented, furnished bedsit rooms to a standard above the required level for private accommodation.
Our tenants are accepted on an initial 12-week License Agreement but there is no maximum time frame a tenant can stay within EDs accommodation as long as they meet our qualifying criteria.
We work on an exempt accommodation model meaning that the tenants rent, bills and council tax liabilities are met through the government. .
We operate a strict no drugs and alcohol policy within our accommodation and clients cannot smoke inside the premises.
Following an initial application from the tenant or referring organisation an internal risk assessment will be completed on the information provided. We may accept offenders although we do not accept convicted sex offenders and arsonists. Based on a clients offences we may request further information from prison and probation services before making a decision on an application.
All referred clients must meet the following eligibility criteria:
• Be an armed forces veteran and have a valid service number
• Be in receipt or entitled to claim of a qualifying benefit ( esa / jsa / universal credit )
• Be in agreement to sign a 12 week License Agreement
• Be in agreement to submit to ‘for cause’ drug testing as part of the License Agreement
• Be in need of additional support to maintain a tenancy and appropriate lifestyle
Meeting our criteria is not a guarantee of acceptance and all referrals will be assessed on an individual basis. EDs reserves the right to reject an application.