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Armed Forces Veterans from across the borough descended on The Ex Servicemen’s club this past Friday evening as EDs, the Wigan based ex forces housing and family support provider hosted “A Salute To Heroes.”

The concert starring two of Wigan’s brightest musical talents Olivia Garcia and Scott Chapman was created by EDs to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the end of the first world war and to honour the contributions of Wigan’s ex forces veterans.

Amongst the many veterans in attendance were Guests of Honour Councillor Clive Morgan, The chambers Lead Member for Armed Forces and Sue Shearer of Wigan Youth Zone along with dozens of former serving personnel from across the borough.

The audience were thoroughly entertained with two outstanding performances from Olivia and Scott which including a stunning duet of ‘You Look At Me’ from the Beyond Wigan Pier musical in which both artists star.

EDs spokesperson and compere for the evening Darryl Picton said “ At EDs, we feel it is important to celebrate our ex forces veterans and their commitment to Queen and country. We work with veterans of all ages who have served across many conflicts and these men and women deserve recognition. They are an amazing asset to our community and it’s pleasing to see them all having such a great time”.

As the evening drew to a close, Darryl was joined on stage by EDs Director Jason Lloyd as they announced that Olivia who appeared on both The X Factor and Eurovision was to become the organisations first Official Ex Forces Ambassador to huge applause from the crowd.



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